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Игра: Alien versus Predators
Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 3 Текущая : 2

the speargun).
god : God Mode
light : Creates an aura of light around the player. Use
it again to brighten
the aura.
marinebot : Creates an AI-controlled Marine
observer : Toggles 'observer mode' which makes the player
invisible to all
predobot : Creates an AI-controlled Predator (does not
work in the Predator
showcoords : Shows the player's level co-ordinates.
showfps : Framerate
skullcollector : God Mode

* Aliens Cheats

While playing, bring down the console by holding
down ~ + F12 at the same time. Then, enter:

alienbot : Creates an AI-controlled Alien
giveallweapons : All weapons & ammo
god : God Mode
light : Creates an aura of light around the player.
Use it again to brighten
the aura.
marinebot : Creates an AI-controlled Marine
observer : Toggles 'observer mode' which makes
the player invisible to all
... Далее >>

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