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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Ark of Time
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 4

Desert Mountain/Village

Look at jeep tire marks. Enter building. Talk to holy man (find out that man with eye patch stole gem that protects tribe -- and that
jeep took off toward "village") Ask him to translate rubbings.

This should tell you about "strange object" from church. Go to the door in the cave, Lev. locator works. Ask holy man about door.
(He'll tell you about sacred word to open door to cave of mysteries.)

Exit cave and "use" tire tracks to follow thief to village. See jeep. Notice rusty hole in jeep, above front tire.

Enter butcher shop. Notice little bottle and rat bait. Talk to shopkeeper .

Go behind building to square and talk to one-eyed man. You can play the game as often as you want, but there is no reason to play
until you have ability to rig game in your favor.

Return to butcher shop. Ask shop keeper about rat bait. He should let you take a croquette.

Return to cave area and exit to map and select Easter Island.

Easter Island

Talk to petty thief. It's Tobias, the sailor's brother. Ask about island. Then exit screen right to statues. Take shell necklace from the first
statue. go screen right (lower corner) to get to lighthouse. Take glass jar off milestone. Enter lighthouse. You can't do anything with
broken light right now. Return to statues and then take screen right path (higher up than lighthouse) to take path to Tobias's shack.

Talk to Tobias. Get the island picture from him. Take rubber tubing near the petrol can. Show the "m" parchment to Tobias. Show him
rubbings paper...he'll tell you about batcave at end of path (off screen left). Go to path and cave.

At cave, see termite hill and try to enter cave (too dark). Use rat croquette with empty jar (in inventory). Use bait/jar with termites.
... Далее >>

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