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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Gilbert Goodmate and the mushroom of Phungoria
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 12 Текущая : 4

Now you have everything you need to make a disguise. Open your inventory and use
the STRAW on the PILLOW, then the STUFFED PILLOW on the RED CLOAK. Use the
Lastly, use the FAKE NOSE on the disguise, then sit back to watch a long
animation sequence. Afterward, have a long conversation with Princess Michelle to
discover that she believes the real mushroom thief to be the Sheriff. She asks
you to head off to sea and catch him, saving the sacred mushroom in the process.
This conversation triggers the next section of the game: Day 2.


Again, you start your day standing in your house. Go outside and to the back of
your house. Use the VACUUM CLEANER on the bees to get the BEES WAX and HONEY.
Walk right and pull the lever on the broken lift to get down the mountain. Head
for the next screen and when you see the overhead view of the Phungoria, travel
to BRIDGE near the top of the screen. Talk to the Bridge Guard and exhaust all
dialogues to find out that he is madly in love with Sarah, the waitress at the
Tavern. Return to the town.

At Saul's place, dip your feather pen in the ink and use it on your SOCK to
create a female SOCK PUPPET. NOTE: You may also use SHOW POLISH on your SOCK to
create a SOCK PUPPET. Give the SOCK PUPPET to Saul to obtain the FUZZY PINK
SLIPPERS. Head for the docks and enter the Tavern. Pick up the NAPKIN WITH THE
LIPSTICK ON IT from the floor and take a clean NAPKIN from the table. Give the
FUZZY PINK SLIPPERS to the sad Viking to make him join his partner at the bar.
Now you can see the keys to the Hidden Treasure door hanging from the Viking's
waist belt. Use the BEES WAX on the keys to get a KEY IMPRINT. Talk to Mister
Davenport and exhaust all dialogues to discover that he will exchange a boat for
a crystal ball.
... Далее >>

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