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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Slave Zero
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 5 Текущая : 4

Begin game play to have unlimited ammunition. Additionally,
press R to fly.

Unlimited health:
Die at the same time you kill a Boss. This is best done when
fighting Revenent Prime. Get him down to very low health and
wait until he starts to destroy the building you are standing
on, then let him have it. As you fall to your death the game
will continue to show a short FMV sequence, and you will start
the next level with 0 health. Enemies will not be able to kill
you, but you can still die if you fall off the level.
Note: The health warning will constantly sound.

Hex info for those making trainers:
The game moves the health and ammo locations when each level
is loaded, so do a new search for weapon one ammo. When this
is found, freeze it at hex 2c 01. Weapon two will be four
bytes more. Freeze it at hex 64. Weapon three will be four
bytes further. Freeze it at hex 32. Health will be hex 18e
less than the address of the first byte of weapon 1. Freeze
it at hex c8.

If you're almost dead, backtrack and smash buildings
to find health. To save ammo, jump onto a building
and stomp it to get the ammo or health that's inside.
You can also stand right next to something and hit the
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Кто прислал: Corruptor Когда: 16:2:2002 - стр. 4 -


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