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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Blade Runner
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 12

UNDERGROUND CROSSROADS: There are 4 exits here. The one in the lower right
leads back to Izo's. There is a lever in the center of the room you can pull
to extend a bridge across the gap to Izo's.

If you do this, this leads into an encounter with Lucy, where she is VK'd as
human. Whether Lucy is there or not, step back into Izo's basement in the
lower left. If you inspect the crates of guns a couple of times, you'll find
another weapon upgrade!

Back at the CROSSROADS, enter the tunnel in the upper left. If you continue
further back to the left, the tunnel leads out to CHINA TOWN. For now, turn
right and you will enter a room with an elevator car. Step into the

BUM'S HOME: The bum from the trashbin behind Howie Lee's lives here. Talk to
him about the Sewers, Others, and Guzza. Enter the tunnel to the right.

RAT BRIDGE: This is a tricky scene. Proceed across the wooden bridge until
the rat appears. Quickly turn around and run back to the ledge. Spin around,
draw your gun, and kill the rat so that it dies closer to you than in the
middle. If the rat dies in the middle of the bridge, when you cross it, it
will collapse and Roy will die. You might want to save the game here before
crossing the bridge.

TWIN'S LAB: Talk to the Twins about Replicants, Work, Lifespans, Clovis,
Runciter, and Guzza. They will offer you a trade if you retrieve something
from Tyrell's for them. Sometimes the Twins are not here, if that is the
case, proceed on to Tyrell's and you can talk to them afterwards.

TYRELL'S CHAMBER: To reach Tyrell's building, locate the exit in the lab
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