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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: ZORK: Grand Inquisitor
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 3

Clicking on the window let us enter the famous GUE Tech. Casting IGRAM on
the word Infinite on the hallway inscription reveals a finite corridor.

Leaving the GUE Tech through the door, puts the Adventurer in front of the
remains of the University. With the shovel, the KENDALL spell can be dug up.

The Subway (1)

The token is used to enter the GUE Subway system. The plan on the wall looks
less confusing after casting KENDALL. We click on the Hades button and take
off with the original, break less GUE subway (only hurts a little). Arrived
more or less healthy, it?s time to make money. The skeleton has a Scratch
Card he (or she) doesn?t need anymore. After having

won 500 Zorkmids , we head back to the Dungeon Master?s Lair.

Dungeon Master?s Lair (1)

After cutting the bush blocking the entrance, we enter the lair, open the
garden house and take the Shovel, and the THROCK spell. Since there?s
nothing else to do at the moment, the next station is the infamous Flood
Control Dam #3 (FCD) (accessible only by the Subway).

Flood Control Dam #3

At the FCD station we get one of these unbelievably useful Envelope Opener
in a return for a zorkmid and with the use of THROCK some tasty moss. In the
control room the GOLGATEM spell can be found in a book. At the controls,
REZROV takes care of screwing up the highly sophisticated opening and
... Далее >>

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