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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Colonization
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 54 Текущая : 39

{Hardy pioneers perform all pioneer functions faster than ordinary
colonists working as pioneers.}

Any colonist can become a soldier if given muskets, but only experience in
combat or training can create veterans. Veterans of European wars
occasionally immigrate and appear on the docks, or you can train them in
the Royal University. Additionally soldiers that win battles eventually
become veterans.

Any colonists mounted on horses may act as scouts. They see farther, move
faster, and have the ability to gather information about foreign
settlements, including Indian towns and villages. Seasoned scouts do all the
above more effectively and safely. Seasoned scouts sometimes appear as
immigrants on the Docks in Europe. Other times, scouts become seasoned
after visiting Indian settlements.

Until the rise of your Continental Army, your veteran dragoons are the
best military units you have. Dragoons are like soldiers in all respects
except they are mounted on horseback and are thus slightly more
powerful. They attain veteran status, like soldiers, through training or
... Далее >>

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