
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Cutthroats
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 8 Текущая : 7

your bed, stop off in the Galley to eat and drink, then continue on to
Johnny's cabin. Show him the envelope, which will put an end to Weasel's
double-cross. Now wear the suit and go up on deck. Johnny will be there,
and will tell you about the orange line. Keep in mind what he says. If you
look around, you'll see a large air compressor, with an air hose. Attach
that to your suit, and then turn on the compressor.

You're all set, so dive in! Once underwater, turn on your flashlight.
There's that pesky shark again! Open your canister to get rid of it, then
keep on going down. It will be a long way down, but you'll get there. Now
you're on the top deck of the Sao Vera, with a hole at your feet. Go down
the hole. Crash! Looks like the ladder broke. You may have a problem
getting back up again! Then again, maybe not. Leave that for now, and make
your way South, into the room with the iron bars. Get one, because it will
come in handy soon. Then keep going South, until you come to the room with
the bunks barring the way.

Move the bunks with the bar, then wedge the bar under the bunks to keep
them from moving back. Now you can go South again, to another room, with a
ladder leading down. Climb down that one. Oops! Crash again! This time,
though, the whole ladder didn't crumble. Still, it's going to be hard to
reach it on your way back. No matter, you still have to find tha treasure,
so go North. Uh Oh!! There's a giant squid here! Good thing for you it's
asleep. And if you're smart, you won't wake it up! So, just go right on by,
don't try doing anything to the squid at all.

In the next room is an oak chest, along with a hole in the side of the
ship. Leave that for now, and keep going North. In the next room are some
skeletons, remains of the crew. Examine them, and you'll see one wears a
scabbard. In the scabbard is a sword. Get that, and go North again, to the
... Далее >>

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