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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Realms of Arkania II
Тип документа : FAQ Всего страниц : 19 Текущая : 18

Forest gnome 1 14 6 6 7 1 7-12 28 0
Tusk tiger 1 15 7 1 -2 2 5-20 52 0
Robber 8 15 12 3 5 1 7-12 57 0
Deregon(*) 10 8 6 2 6 1 7-12 62 0
Exholt(*) 10 16 14 3 6 1 7-12 72 0
Ogre 1 9 3 3 -2 1 8-18 48 0
Arkanian 3 5 3 3 -3 1 5-10 36 0
Gargoyle 1 10 5 6 12 1 7-12 60 0
Dwarf undead 8 9 5 3 5 1 7-12 40 0

(*) Individual "NPC" in game.

This is not a complete list of adversaries!

Life Points are LPs observed from healthy opponents via spellcasting;
these will vary for individual creatures. It may be that other stats
vary too (including for example their levels for orcs).

Beware the priests in Phex; they cast weapon-breaking spells.



There are a number of NPC's you can encounter. These include:

- Antharon some miles before Lowangen, he just needs the group to go
there, but if you make the dwarfen pit with him, he stays with the
group (until Lowangen, where he takes the Salamanderstone which will
be stolen anyway)
... Далее >>

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