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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Resident Evil
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 3

6- Leave room and run to the storage room. Pick up plant chemicals.
Exchange items--take only shotgun, beretta, and clips (herbs if you
think you'll need them).
7- Leave storage area and go up stairs. Kill the right zombie. Run
down the hall and through door. Run down hall into the main
hall-upstairs. Barry will be there to give you acid rounds for the
bazooka. Run over to the patio room to see dead Forest. Get bazooka.
8- Return to main hall upstairs. Go across to next room and enter
upstairs dining room. Kill left zombie and push statue down. Exit
through back door.
9- Kill zombies and go down stairs and go into second storage room.
Feel free to save your game with the ink ribbon on the bed. Exchange
items--take chemicals, wooden emblem and weapons you feel good with.
10- Run to nursery and poison the plant. Get key. While there, pick up
red and green chemicals. Mix them to save room and have good healing
items. SAVE atleast three spaces in inventory.
11- Go down hall into the caretaker's room. Pick up clip and go to
desk. Kill zombie from closet (one good quick shotgun blast to head)
and pick up ammo (don't need to pick up diary. Waste of time...) for
the shotgun. MAKE SURE you still have atleast two spaces still.
12- Exit room and turn right, down to the door. Unlock door and you
should be in the hallway where Kenneth's body is. Turn left into the
Bar/Piano room. Get sheet music and play piano. Go in the secret room
and exchange emblems.
13- Return to dining room. Place gold emblem over fireplace and get
armor key. Run around table and pick up blue gem. (Inventory should be
about full)
14- Return to hall (where Kenneth's body is) and turn right and take
first door on left. This will take you back to the hall with the
nursery and tiger statue. Go to tiger statue room and exchange blue gem
... Далее >>

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