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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Z
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 7 Текущая : 2

locate the connecting roads between your territories and the
computerЖs. Units must be moved up to this front-line to defend
against the computer trying to enter territories which you
control. As units are manufactured you should bring them up to
support this defence. Always scan the map to see what the computer
is doing to react to any planned attacks. Find territories which
the computer has either left undefended or which have little
defence. Attack these territories only when you have units which
exceed the power of the computerЖs defending units. Do not believe
the battle is over if you manage to gain the territory advantage
over the computer. He will fight hard to regain control of any
lost territories. Of course this is also true for the human
player. Losing one or even two of your territories to the computer
does not mean the end of the battle. Playing hard and recognising
those territories which are easily re-captured will get you back
into the game.

In short:

1. Capture your half of the available territories as quickly as
possible so that your manufacturing speed matches the Computer.
2. Note the position of uncaptured hardware and send appropriate
units to those territories (e.g. Do not send a light tank to
capture a flag that has an uncaptured medium tank sitting by it).
3. When you capture territories containing factories, remember to
specify what you want to build. It is often better to build
cheaper units initially and then to change to building more
powerful units once you have established yourself.
4. Watch what the CPU does with his resources and move your forces
to provide an adequate line of defence.
... Далее >>

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