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Игра: Fallout
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 2 Текущая : 2

At game start give self at least 55% on "gambling" skill. Get yourself to the "Maltesee Falcon Casino" in "The Hub." You will get directions in "Shady Sands" where you will also find your "buddy for life" Ian, if you offer him "slice of the action" or "100 caps" When you get to roulette table hold down numbers "1" and "4" along top of keyboard..use paper weight if fingers tired!

You will win unlimited "caps" Repeat and repeat when ever need more cash(caps). Then go outside and chat to the drunk. Say you want "something special" for 800 caps he will introduce you to Vance..the Arms Dealer.. go spend your winnings on some real fire power and some combat armour. dont forget to buy a good gun and some ammo for Ian sell it to him for almost nothing and then tell him to "use his best weapon" or he will carry on with just his knife!

Unlimited Turns:
Ok this one makes unlimited turns (you can shoot the guys without them getting a turn to wipe you out)

1. Get into the combat mode.
2. Take ammo for a gun and put it in to your hands (only ammo should be in your hand!)
3. come close to a guy and click on target to shoot him!
4. HE will say something like "Did your mama tought you that move?!" or something.

Now you have unlimited turns.

Fallout - Hints

In the last battle with The Master, notice the two drones standing besides him? Wll just run up close to one of them and when The Master attacks you with his galting laser, he'll "accidently" kill the drone. This will trigger the other drone to attack the killer i.e. The Master.

Also each turn The Master summons fresh reinforcements in terms of Super Mutants and if you find it hard to keep the pace of fire, simply save your game and reload and volia! The Super Mutants has disappeared!

Another quick and simple way to kill The Master is to get a Turbo Plasma and an energy skill with 200% rating. This will give you maximum attack potential and will allow you to kill The Master in a few turns.

Thanks Игорю

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