
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 10

there is a zebra with a crossbow-like machine. Activate the scroll and learn
about this goat man who needs three flowers that aren't accesible by walking.
How will we get to them? BY FLYING!! You have to put this deformed man into a
cannon and blast him to where to flowers are. However, this is not as easy as
it sounds. It will take many tries to try to get to these flowers. Once the
man has the 3 flowers, he will become undeformed :( and the Zebra will activate
his plinth at the Dojo.
*STRATEGY*:The first flower is directly in front of you, but in the distance.
The bottom pointer should be just a little bit above the mountain. Give it
full power(Even if you miss, it's still hilarious to see this guy falling down
the mountain screaming for his life).
The second flower is to the right. Line up your sights with the light the
place gives off and aim a little bit higher than usual. Give full power.
The third flower is behind you, behind the mountain. Aim as far up as you can
go, to the right of the pointy rock. This time, only give about 48% power.

2j.Trial 8:Mandrill soccer:
I do not like this one. This Trial is frustrating. Anyway, the Trial
activates in the same place as Trial 7 right after you complete it. You must
kick a soccer ball through three targets and a goal. To block your way, there
are 3 mandrills that will throw your ball the other way. Also, there are
volcanic geysers that will catch your ball and toss it around. Once you are
finished with this very hard Trial, the mandrill will activate his plinth at
the Dojo.
*STRATEGY*: Not much I can say here. Rotate the camera if you need to. When
you get to the end, just be careful not to click the cancel scroll. I did that
once, it made me MAD!

2k.Trial 9:Leopard Board Game:
If you zoom out, you will see a large white mountain with little tiles on it.
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: FredDurst Когда: 10:3:2002 - стр. 10 -


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