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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Arthur
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 7 Текущая : 4

raven reappears and chases you out. LAND IN GROVE, CYR ARTHUR, GET ALL
(including the gold egg, +4W, +5E, +2Q). Go to the End of the Causeway and
the Red Knight will tell you that you must bring him four things before you
can pass; the egg of a giant raven, the hair that grows between the eyes of
a dragon, the tusk of the wild boar of the enchanted forest and the golden
fleece of the evil demon Nudd. GIVE EGG TO KNIGHT (+1Q).

Return to the Badger's Den as a Badger and map the tunnels. Do this by
noting the earth there is soft. If you DIG you make a claw mark. In the
next new location DIG, DIG to make two and so on. Make your way to the
Thorny Island (+2Q) and GET SPRIG (it catches on your fur). Go back through
the tunnels to the Smithy, CYR ARTHUR, (the sprig drops off your fur) GET
SPRIG (+1Q). Go into the Tavern and enter the Kitchen. WAIT till the
Innkeeper leaves. CYR OWL; the canary says if you'll release him, he'll
give you the key which is hidden in the thatch and fits the cupboard there.
CYR ARTHUR, OPEN CAGE (the bird drops the key, +10C), GET KEY (+1Q).

About now, the Innkeeper will return so leave before he gets there. WAIT
till he leaves the Kitchen again, go back in, UNLOCK CUPBOARD, LOOK IN IT,
GET BOTTLE; spices (+1Q). Go to the Track with the horse chestnut trees.
Try to go North and they pelt you with enchanted conkers which really hurt!
CYR TURTLE (+3E, +1Q), PULL IN LEGS, PULL IN HEAD to protect yourself and
WAIT till the conkers stop (+3W, +7E, +3Q). CYR ARTHUR, GET ALL, N. In the
Glade, you see footprints crossing the ground and a large rock. A
leprechaun will arrive after a few moves but will dash off when he sees
you. DROP BOTTLE, HIDE BEHIND ROCK and you'll hear a murmuring from under
the rock. LISTEN; the voice says the food is tasteless. WAIT and the
leprechaun appears and gets the bottle and starts reading the label. GET
LEPRECHAUN; you catch him before he can move and he gives you a jug of
... Далее >>

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