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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Erevos англ. версия
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 8

again, turn right and walk towards the corridor in which you been
controlling Giannos a few moments ago. On a lower corner of the
wall to your right you will see a grate. Look at it, turn yourself
into smoke and go through the grate. You will control Giannos
again. Turn right 7 steps, walk forward, look at a basket on the
floor and you will see a needle inside it. Grab the needle. Then,
turn right and face the cell door, open your inventory, check the
needle and move and then click the mouse over one of the extremes
of it. Now the needle is an excellent tool to pick the lock of the
cell door. Use the needle and the door will open. Now you will be
controlling Gloria again. Walk forward and look at the crystal
cage with a baby inside. Grab the baby. Go back and you will see a
grate on the lower part of the wall in front of you. Face it, look
at it, turn yourself into smoke and go through the grate. Walk
forward and give the baby to Giannos. Controlling Giannos again,
go back and you will leave the clinic. Being at Vildes Ostande's
house, walk forward and up the stairs. Turn right, go forward and
give the baby to Vildes. After talking to him you will be facing a
bookcase. Look at the books on the upper shelf, then look at the
blue book, open it and you will see a paper inside. Grab the
paper. Go back and you will leave the house automatically. DAY VI
Sempastian Norek's house: Walk forward, look at a gate on the
floor, open it and go down. Walk forward until you face a coffin,
open it, suck the blood of Sempastian's dead body and you will
leave the house automatically. Gregor Van Rin's house: Walk
forward, go up the stairs and walk forward again until you face a
coffin, look at it, open it and wake up Gregor to talk to him.
After the conversation you will leave the house automatically.
Veronick White's house: Walk forward one step and you will
see a grate on the lower left corner of the screen. Look at it,
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Аня Когда: 6:10:2002 - стр. 8 -


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