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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 50

emergency, you may wish to sell an improvement to raise cash.
The final item is the report is labelled "Discoveries" and shows
the number of turns needed for your scientists to acquire the
technology advance that you have directed them to seek. The more
scientific research done by your cities, the fewer turns
required. Note that as technology increases, it takes more and
more research to make the next breakthrough.

SCIENCE ADVISOR: Your science advisor keeps track of the
technologies that your civilization has already achieved and the
progress of you scientists toward their next advance. A chart
shows progress toward the next advance. The light bulbs indicate
how much research has been done. When the box is full of light
bulbs, the advance being researched is achieved. It is possible
to continue making advances beyond the basic list that defines
civilization up to the end of the 20th century. These continuing
advances are called FUTURISTIC ADVANCES and each one your
acquire adds ten points to your civilization score.

WONDERS OF THE WORLD: Your geographers maintain a listing of the
location of the Wonders of the World. When they hear of the
construction of a new one they add it to the list. By the end of
your civilization's history there may be as many as 21 Wonders:
7 ancient, 7 medieval, and 7 modern. Knowing where they are may
be useful because capturing the city where a Wonder is located
adds to the glory of your civilization. The geographer's list
shows the Wonder's icon, its name, the city in which it is
located, and the civilization that built it. Clear the page of
ancient Wonders to see the medieval Wonders, and clear again to
see the modern Wonders. Note that only existing Wonders appear
... Далее >>

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