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Игра: Empire Earth II The Art of Supremacy
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 3 Текущая : 2

// Convert selected unit
db_cheat_convert_selection_d,"""Selected unit converted to your side"""

// Instant recharge power
db_cheat_instant_recharge_pow,"""recharge me"""
db_cheat_instant_recharge_pow_d,"""Selected unit recharged to 100% power"""

// Instantly win scenario
db_cheat_win_game_d,"""You've won the scenario!"""

// Toggle the fog of war on\off
db_cheat_toggle_fogofwar,"""toggle fog"""
db_cheat_toggle_fogofwar_d,"""Toggle fog of war."""

// Toggle instant build on\off
db_cheat_toggle_instantbuild,"""sea monkeys"""
db_cheat_toggle_instantbuild_d,"""Toggle instant build"""

// Advance an epoch without meeting any of the requirements
db_cheat_advance_epoch,"""epoch up"""
db_cheat_advance_epoch_d,"""You've advanced to the next epoch!"""

// Add 50 technology points
db_cheat_add_techpoints,"""give tech"""
db_cheat_add_techpoints_d,"""Tech points increased by 50"""

// God Mode
db_cheat_god_mode, """play god"""
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Axl Когда: 12:7:2006 - стр. 2 -


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