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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Return To Zork (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 13 Текущая : 11

give you a hardhat. Take it. Then go up to the top left part of the screen
and go to the mining cart. Now this is very annoying. The path you must
follow to escape the mining maze is the following, where L is Left, R is
Right, and S is Straight. Make sure to only click once at each intersection,
as the dumb game buffers your mouse clicks and it will screw you up
occasionally. The path is L R S R L R S R L L R S. (By the way that puzzle
is easy, just write down each word the dwarves say to each other that is Left,
Right or Straight). Once out, you will be at the temple of the muses. From
left to right, but the following items on each of the statues :
1) Staff
2) Talon
3) Thermozz
Center) Nothing
4) Helmet AND Box
5) Shield
6) Tele-Orb

Then place the disk pieces on the bowl in front, and hit a button (green I
think I hit, I don't think it matters) watch the ensuing stupidity, and they
will reassemble your disk into a whole again. The center statue is different,
he is not a muse, but the "Catcher" (detailed in the Mayor's filing cabinets).
Make sure to pick up all the items once you are done. Now take the vulture
down to the Hero's Memorial. Take the right fork in the road, and go into the
Troll Cave. Put your helmet on and all will be lit up. At the first troll,
swing left, the next, swing up, the third, swing down. Then at the troll
king, click on "Threatening" until he wimps out and gives you the necklace.
Now go back to the green forest, and find your way to the spider. Show the
spider the necklace, and he will wimp out. Then go up Flood Control Damn #3
(!), and fill up your flask from the "backside of the water". Now go to the
whispering woods, and go one space in, and release the bats. Pick up the bat
... Далее >>

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