Outcast Compiled by Jens R (c)99
1. General Advise
2. Ranzaar
3. Shamazaar
4. Okasankaar
5. Motazaar
6. Okaar
7. Talanzaar
+ Talk to people, they will always give you clues about the quest
and subquests.
+ Use N on the keyboard to access you notepad, it shows in highlight
the quests you haven't finished. The darker ones you have finished.
+ If you have finished a quest allways go back to the person to show
of with your deed. He might reward you or have another sort of clue.
+ Outcast is a logical game, so if someone says: 'In darker times the
ancients said this or that, but I do not believe it.' you'd better believe
the ancients, every hint is a solid clue in this game. Study the maps
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