System Shock 2 - Cheats
You may type these codes:
psi_full - Give the player full psi points
ubermensch - Turns the player into homo superior
add_pool - Give player additional build pool points
show_version - Display version in game mode
toggle_inv - Toggle inv panel
cycle_ammo - Cycle through available ammo types
toggle_compass - Toggle compass state
query - Query cursor 1 = on 0 = off
split - Split cursor 1 = on 0 = off
shock_jump_player - Jump the player
look_cursor - Puts cursor into look mode
reload_gun - Reloads weapon out of inventory
swap_guns - Switches primary and secondary weapons
wpn_setting_toggle - Toggles between weapon settings
select_psipower - Brings up the psi power selection MFD
equip_weapon - Searches your inv for a particular weapon and equips it
cycle_weapon - Cycles through next equippable weapon, 1 for fwd, -1 for back psi_power - Acts like the 1-5 level buttons
open_mfd - Open up an MFD by overlay constant
stop_email - Stop any currently playing email/log
clear_teleport - Clear any existing teleport marker
quickbind - Bind a quick slot
quickuse - Activate a quick slot
use_obj - Use an object by name
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