Across the Rhine Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The disk access time and screen changes take forever.
Why is this so slow?
A: If you are running on a 486DX/33 or greater, we have found
that a SmartDrive cache with write caching turned on will
improve performance significantly.
Q: I am not getting digital sound. Why?
A: Across the Rhine requires at least 5MB of
free XMS for digital sounds to work.
Q: How can I disable all the voice messages
like "Artillery Firing" without disabling the
digital sounds like gunfire and explosions?
A: In battle, hit ALT-C and you can selectively
turn on or off the voice messages that you
want to hear.
Q: In pre-battle briefings with partial intelligence,
I sometimes see enemy units on the map, but when I
go into battle, they don't show up.
A: This is correct; partial intelligence may or may
not be correct.
Q: I sent out Air Assets (recon or attack), and
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