Will hirelings be improved in the expansion? Yes -- we have some great new ideas to make the Hirelings much more useful. These changes are getting some of the best feedback from our teams here at Blizzard in the current build. For example, you can drop a potion on hirelings to heal them.
How big is the new Stash? The new Stash is currently twice the size of the Diablo II Stash. We have also increased the amount of Gold you can carry in your Stash.
Will there be new Shrine types? No.
Will there be new "recipes" for the Horadric Cube? Yes. We intend to make the Horadric Cube much more useful throughout the entire game in the Expansion set.
Will the level limit be increased? The character level limit of 99 will remain the same for the expansion.
Will the Battle.net interface look different than in Diablo II? The interface may undergo some cosmetic changes, but we expect the functionality to remain consistent.
Will the Diablo II Expansion be on separate servers? Characters for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction will use the ... Далее >>