to fight a dark knight to get a key. You must hit (or shoot) them right below
the helmet. Anywhere else will have little or no effect. Inside the inner
square are four knights. Kill each one and touch the lights behind them.
After touching each, they will turn black. Walk over one. Go due north of
where you land and fight.
Go back to Faith's in central cobra, go to city hall, and then go back over
the bridge you came on originally.
The bar: M-80/bathroom/SW corner, vitamax++/sw/sofa, lighter/chair/right side
bar, $25/plants/east wall, Sherr spray/SE corner.
Fritz's: Enter from east side of house. Map of E.cobra/just south of door on
other side of wall, porn mag/book cases of same room, poison dart/SE corner,
dart/just south of entrance.
House along north wall: Box M10 ammo/entry hall, $50/NE plant, vitamax++/in
toilet-north, vitaup in NW toilet.
House west of tracks/NE of wherehouse: Lingerie in NE wardrobe, 4 M10 rounds
in SW room.
Blue house just south of Fist's: Vitamax/North of door, vitamax+/NW shelf,
dart/plant on west wall, 4X vitamax+'s/ on tables.
Red house next to^^^: jean skirt in tub in west room.
Also: power capsule just SW of train station, opposite side of tracks.
Remember: If you ever get stuck, try going to the bar and talking.
More chicks:
Yvonne: Hand/hair, lips/mouth, whisper, lips/mouth. Lips/mouth (hidden behind
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