4) Go SE to the computer
1) Open the package
2) Open the game
3) Wear the glasses
4) Put the floppy in the drive
5) Close the drive
6) Flip the switch
7) Look at the screen
1) Talk to Grundy Golem
2) Ask about the game and the companions
3) When you've learned enough about the game, select your companion.
4) You really don't have a choice... you must select Nada Naga
5) You'll end up in a cave
1) Talk to Nada
2) Nada will eventually open a door
3) Go N to outside of cave
Outside of Cave
1) Watch the animated sequence
2) Talk to Nada, find out about her and what you need to do
3) Go NE to the crossroads
1) Talk to the trees... yes, you can talk to literally anything
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