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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Wing Commander: Privateer
Тип документа : FAQ Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 4

landing zone - no talks required.
M(ission) - brings on mission objectives screen
S(hiels) - shield generator control (cycles thru all available modes of
operation: Full/Two Thirds/One Third/Off). Be aware of this
key in battle, for if you lower the shields and then decide
to raise them back you'll have to turn them off first because
of cycling switching scheme, thus making yourself unprotected
for a short time which although may be quite enough to get
blown to bits.
[ - cycle thru all available views (G,D,E,R,T,C,M)

Remember that guns, shields and afterburner are all powered by the same
source: your main engine. If you turn shields to two thirds mode, then more
energy will be available for guns (you'll be able to shoot more often) or
for afterburner (you'll be able to keep it active for longer time). But if
you turn off guns that won't have any effect other than you'll be unable to

There's also a key for dumping cargo if you're in tough break, but I never
used it and though don't know which one is it (my friend told me there is
one). I believe that the key is 'X'. And also there should be key to acti-
vate ECM system, but I didn't find it - well, it maybe works automagically..

Part III. Getting to and thru the storyline.

The Privateer has quite twisted storyline. First of all, you're not yet on
it when the game's just begun. You should first get to the planet from where
it starts.
When you start the game, you have just 2000 cosmobucks and a ship, which
... Далее >>

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