3 Skulls Of Toltecs" solve by... Darksheer
This one is kinda buggy one, so I dont guarantee
you will get to final.
Move Buck (the killed man).
Talk to Friar Bacon (when I mean talk I mean you
should talk all topics). He will notice Buck is
Pick up pickaxe (twice because you pick up pick
and picket, not a whole pickaxe).
Use picket with Friar Bacon. You will knock him
Pick up his cassock.
Use donkey. Select left arrow. Talk with French
army soldier. Return back to canyon and use don-
key to select right arrow now and get to Big
Enter door. Look into wooden bucket (you get a
screw). Go up the ladder. Move 'P' sign and go
downstairs to collect it. Exit house. Go left
to the well. Talk with the man, who fell into
well. Go to Big Town Station (BTS since this
point). Enter it and talk to telegraphist. Look
at the teleprinter. Exit BTS. Go left. Open a
box near entrance to General Store. Look into
the box (you will collect logs).
Enter local jail. Talk with Mortimer Pettyboom.
Exit jail. Go to the saloon. Talk to layabout.
To enter saloon you need to tell him you learnt
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