
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Starship Titanic
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 22 Текущая : 16

According to the DeskBot, the RowBot's voice is kind of funny, so let's
investigate. Head down to Titania's Room, to the FuseBox room, open it, stick
in the green fuse, and turn the knob. Go back to the Top of the Well, and take
the Gondola to the Arboretum. Approach the now-working Arboretum, and change
the season to Autumn. Surprise, it looks like another Titania part! Use the
long stick to knock it free, and grab Titania's speech center. Next, change
the season to winter. Turn around, and, surprise, the entire place is frozen
over! Head over to the area opposite the Pellerator, turn around, and approach
the other RowBot.
Click on his chest to reveal two switches; when you hold one down, the other
goes up, and you need them both to be pulled down. If only you had another
hand... Oh wait, you do! Use the Maitre'D Bot's arms on both switches so
they're both held down at the same time. Now remember, BOTH arms must be
empty, and the only way to get them that way is to see the previous section,
"Making Music". Once you've got the RowBot to stop singing by holding down
both levers, you can take his mouth, which is really Titania's mouth! To leave
the area, you'll need to change the season from Winter to any other one.

Putting Titania Back Together
Requirements: All 11 parts of Titania
Two eyes, two ears, nose, mouth, core, and four centers. Put them all into
Titania, with the four centers arragned thusly:
yellow red
blue green
Once Titania's working again, the room behind her will open up, allowing you
to enter the Bridge.

Going Home
... Далее >>

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