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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Starship Titanic
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 22 Текущая : 2

The Broken Elevator
The Parrot's Pistachios
Upgrading to 1st Class
Chevron TV
The Titanic Titillator
"Don't Touch That"
Making Music
The Parrot's Chicken
A Change in the Weather
Putting Titania Back Together
Going Home
V. Fun Things to Talk About
VI. Conclusion/Administrivia

I. Introduction
Welcome aboard the Starship Titanic... The Ship That Cannot Possibly Go Wrong.

Unfortunately, something has gone very wrong, and it's up to you to not only
find out what has gone wrong, but to fix it and get back home in one piece.

This document covers a few trivial points, answers a few Frequently Asked
Questions, and provides a full walkthrough of the game. Everything beyond
section II can be considered "spoilers" which may just ruin the game for
you if you're not careful.

If you've got questions that this file doesn't address about the gameplay,
contact me at cjayc@gamefaqs.com, and I'll see what I can do! This doc will
probably keep expanding over the next few months, so keep checking back if
... Далее >>

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