
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 11

At the base of the mountain, there is a leopard waiting for you. Talk to him,
and you understand the leopard's problem. He needs to get to the top of the
mountain, but the only way is to beat the ogre at his own game-Board Games.
The first one to the top wins. Once you win this trial, the leopard goes to
the Dojo to activate his plinth. This trial is based on luck, so it can range
from easy to hard.
*STRATEGY*:As I said before, the game is based on luck, but there is a way to
get sixes easily. Apply just enough force to roll the die so that it rolls
over to a six.

2l.Trial 10:Monkey Guarding:
There is Japanese Wonder around the area of the soccer trial(If you see 2 close
together, you're in the wrong place. That is Trial 11. Keep looking.). You
should see a brown monkey that tells you about how some giants want to destroy
the Wonder. You have to guard the tower from the giants. Basically, it's a
juggling game. Once you do this, the monkey's plinth is activated at the Dojo.
This is a moderately easy trial.
*STRATEGY*: Once your creature walks to a stone, the giant walking there will
back off. Once the creature moves to a different stone, however, the giant
will come back. At first, simply keep the guys off your back. Once two guys
have stopped trying, concentrate on one giant until the other one gets pretty
close to a stone, then scare that one away. Once the giant is far away to
leave alone, go back to the one you were concentrating on earlier. Repeat this
process until the one you concentrate on stops trying. Then, just stay at the
other one.

2m.Tyke Training
FINALLY!!! We get to finish Tyke's training. Near Trial 10, there is a
desert/beach. There are 4 monkeys there that will teach you how to build.
Just strap the leash up to it, and wait. While they are learning how to build,
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: FredDurst Когда: 10:3:2002 - стр. 11 -


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