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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Black & White: Creature Isle
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 16 Текущая : 7

2b.-Trial 1:The Egg:
Look in the first town(Egyptian); you should see a scroll. Activate it. They
will tell you to knock an egg-in the southeast of the island-off a tree. Near
the crashed boat there is a rock. Break it. Make your creature pick it up and
head to the egg. With the rock in the creature's hand, make him throw it at
the egg by using the action button on the egg. If you zoom out, you should see
a volcanic region on the island. Make your creature pick the egg up and bring
it to the volcanic region. There should be an area in that region where
steaming gas pouts out constantly. Put the egg there. The egg takes a while
to incubate, so we'll take care of the next Trial while we wait. (continued on

2c.-Trial 2: Cow Bowling:
Very close to the incubator, there is a cow next to a bowling alley. Bring
your creature there and activate the scroll. It's time to bowl! Throw the
marker where you want your creature to throw the bowling ball. The game is
fairly easy, but it may take a few tries.
*STRATEGY*: Try to throw powerfully and aim just a little offcenter in either
directions. Once you win, the cow's plinth will be activated at the Dojo.
(The following is an addition sent in by King Krang Kong) You can use rocks to
block the cow's throw and to knock down pins.

2d.-Lil' Tyke:
After you bowl, the egg should be done incubating, so walk over to the egg and
move your hand over it. If the bad conscience doesn't say anything yet, you
have to wait longer. Once the creature is born, you will see a small video and
end up in a wheat field. Have your creature eat it until Tyke knows how to
eat. Then, you have to show Tyke how to use the village store. To do this,
use the Leash of Compassion and hook it up to the village store. Your creature
will show Tyke how to use it, but to speed up the process, simply sacrifice
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: FredDurst Когда: 10:3:2002 - стр. 7 -


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