Give him the assault rifle you got from the warehouse.
I didn't cover my tracks at the warehouse, what do I need to do?
Make sure you put everything back the way you found it. Put
all the switches in the switch box back the way they were,
and return the chord to the forklift. Also be sure to lock
the doors and remove the net off the dog.
How do I remove the net off the dog?
Use the the fishing hook on the net. You can find the hook on
the dock in the fire box.
How do I get Green to come out of the boat?
You need to put the fuel, rags, and a flare in the air vent.
The air vent is on the right, above the ladder.
Where is the fuel and rags?
The bottle of fuel and rags are in the crate on the beach,
where you dock on the island.
Where do I get the flare?
It's in the compartment on the side of the boat.
How do I open the compartment, it's locked?
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