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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Clandestiny
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 19 Текущая : 1

The Semi-No-Frills Solution To Clandestiny
by Dave Melanson

Introduction: Well, another release from Trilobyte. Another 'haunted
mansion exploration' with puzzles ranging in difficulty from simple to
insanely ridiculous. Unfortunately, they took out what may well be
my favorite part of the 7th Guest/11th Hour games-the transition
scenes. Now, rather than a flowing transition from one location to
another, you "zap" there, Myst-like. Oh well, can't have everything,
I guess. What follows is a complete solution for the game, with
solutions to all of the puzzles. Doubtless, using this walkthrough
will spoil some of the fun of figuring stuff out and it bypasses a LOT
of neat little stuff you can find along the way...but it might leave
some hair left on top of your head when you finish the game. Oh yeah,
and play this in "Brave" mode, or you basically don't deserve this
guide at all! So, without MUCH further ado...

0.> Some notes about the movement icons: In addition to the usual
7th Guest/11th Hours "beckoning" and "turning" hands, there are two
more; if you position the cursor at the bottom of the screen in the
middle, the hand icon spins. This turns you around automatically if
clicked here. I will refer to this as a "180" in this guide. At the
bottom on the left or right is the "hitch-hiking" hand (thumb stuck
out). Clicking when the cursor is in this mode moves you to the
entrance of a room if you're anywhere in the room, and to the entrance
of a hall if you're in a hallway. I'll refer to this as a "hitch"
throughout the guide. Now that we've got that straight...

1.> Go forward once, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward,
do a 180. Move the cursor over the table on the left and click the
... Далее >>

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