4. Go to the main shaft room. Press button, get diver.
5. Climb up the ladder. Open door. Wear gear.
6. You swim out of the submarine. This is a good place to
save your game before you may run of of oxygen before
you find the harbour.
In sea
1. Swim 3 square up and then left all the way until you find
the oil rig. Place explosive. This will cause a diversion
to the enemy.
2. Swim 10-12 squares right then 4 square up. You will find
yourself among the rocks. Look for the place where there
appear to be a path way to the top. That place have a
magnetice field guarding it. You will need to use the
device you won to deactivate it. You will only be
allowed to use the device at this place, so if you cannot
use it, then you are at the wrong place.
3. Swim to the top. Wait in the water until the fisherman net
is lowered. Place bottle in net. Wait for net to go up.
Do not leave the place at this moment, wait for the net
to come down. When it touch the ground. This means the
coast is clear.
4. Now swim 2 squares to the right until you find the pier.
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