Open bottom. Remove rubber. Get rubber. Get weapon.
Look weapon.
3. Walk to phone. Get business card. Look card. Use phone.
Dial the number at the scribble on the card. Talk to Basal.
Use phone. Dial the caterer number. Talk.
4. Walk to door. Wait for caterer to knock at door. Open
door. When the caterer is inside and asking for money.
Use weapon. Change clothing. Tie man.
5. Wait for agent. Reply yes to her question. Go outside,
get into van.
At guard house
1. Open door. Hide gun in platter. Get platter.
2. Walk to door. Follow guard inside.
3. When you are inside. Give food. Remove lid. Get gun. Fire.
Fire. You will need to do this fast if you don't want to
get killed.
4. Look guard. Look ambassador. Untie ambassador. Change
clothing. Exit. When the ambassador is freed, he will talk
a lot, but don't border, try to do the next action as soon
as there is a break.
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