SEC. 0
This Faq is being done to help with the game from Origin Systems that is part
of the Wing Commanders series. It is a stand-alone game that is very similar
to other flight-sim type games with it own unique characteristics.
Immediate disclaimer: I do not work for Origin Systems...I just like their
games. Any copywrite infringements (real or imagined) are purely coincidental
and if anyone would like to contact me about any legalities....please, feel
free to contact me and I'll "make it right".
These words are my own....no one elses (if I use someone elses ideas or words
and do not already acknowledge that fact..... see above.^
****I would like to thank Hank Leukart for his guideance with this FAQ.*****
Ok, with all that out of the way, lets get to the point. :-) :-)
Q. What is an FAQ?
A: It is a summary of questions that are mostly unanswered by either the
plot of the game or the manual.
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