830 Railroads & Robber Barons Frequently Asked Questions
Author/Editor : Michael Carlton
Version: 1.0 - June 24 1995
Version 1.01 - July 4, 1995
Version 1.02 - July 9, 1995
Version 1.03 - July 13, 1995
Version 1.10 - July 21, 1995
Version 1.20 - August 8,1995
Mod 1.01 - Added link to my homepage additional comments from Steve Thomas
Mod 1.02 - Added additional comments from contributors. Keep them coming. Added random map replay and a random map game.
Mod 1.03 - Added many comments from Nigel Buckle.
Mod 1.10 - Added 18xx Article info from David Reed. Many thanks to him for allowing me to use his article. Stuart Dagger, Chris Farrell, and Bill Dixon thanks as well..
Mod 1.20 - Added The General Articles index, New July patch location!
Mod 1.21 - Add comments from Russ Williams and some other ideas I had.
Welcome to the 1830 FAQ. This is a rough draft. I will preface this
FAQ by saying I have only played 1830 - the board game once so I am not a
veteran here. Most all my experience lies with the computer version. Also
I have played most of my games with 3 opponents. I need some input about
other opponent numbers.
Naturally, if you find a mistake, or have some information to add, send it
to me and I'll add it in for the next version. This document has been created
as a HTML and the text form will be created from that. I would like to thank
some of the contributors:
Jim Cox (JAC) cox@unx.sas.com
Richard Irving (RRI) rri1@pge.com
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