extra damage.
Defeating the Giant Mother Spider 2
While fighting it, you may notice little sacks being dropped and suspended by
webbing. Shoot them down with Flapendo and collect health and Bean power ups from
Defeating the Giant Spider
To defeat the Giant Spider in the Dark Forest, circle around him and cast
Rictosempra. He will not shoot any spider webs at you.
Defeating the Whomping Willow
When the Whomping Willow starts to pound into the ground, hide in the corner
where you entered its lair. The shock wave cannot reach you in here, unless you
stray too far from it. Should you get hit, you should have refilled your potion
Vile before you entered. Also, Hedwig will drop Cauldron Cakes and Beans for your
aid. Note: Rapid firing technique is recommended. Lock on to the limbs after they
finish pounding and fire a quick shot, then wait to lock onto the Willow's Eye.
Then, fire repeatedly until it stops hurting him before running back to your
hiding hole.
Personal Requests and Notice Board
The Notice Board in the Gryffondor common room usually gives a location, but
higher up as you near completion they start to give vague clues, such as "Could
be anywhere on grounds". With personal requests, they do not ever really give you
a clue, except the first one. However, the items are near the area in about a two
acre search range.
Finding Lost Items - When in doubt, check Hagrid's Hut. Many of the lost items
end up there.
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