OPW - roaming sight
VPY - tremor
Mantra chants:
Chant Skill IMHO
----- ---------- -----------------------------------
FAL Acrobat Need a little to keep from getting hurt in falls/jumps
HUNN Appraise worthless
RA Attack Need LOTS!
GAR Axe Need LOTS only if you are an Axe-man
SOL Casting Need a little to keep from getting hurt when spells 'backfire'
UN Charm worthless
ANRA Defense Need LOTS!
LAHN Lore Need LOTS! (to identify scrolls/potions/armor/wands/etc)
KOH Mace Need LOTS only if you are a Mace-man
IMU Mana Need LOTS!
FAHM Missile Need LOTS only if you are a Missiles-man (bow/crossbow/sling)
AAM Picklock Real handy on upper levels, not so handy on the lower ones
LON Repair worthless, as Shak works cheap (and as fast as you can)
LU Search Need a little to help find secret doors
MUL Sneak mostly worthless
ONO Swimming mostly worthless
AMO Sword Need LOTS only if you are a swordsman
ROMM Traps beyond worthless
ORA Unarmed worthless
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