Checkpoint. As soon as you pass through the hatch, it will lock and you will not be able to access any of the lower areas. Sad? I didn't think so.
Checkpoint 2E Boss Battle: The Sphere
The room before the boss battle boasts two mystery doors containing AA Batteries and Magnums. When you've collected these goodies, move to the door near the lighted Checkpoint. Weave through the ensuing laser corridor to the Boss Chamber. Ahead is a Car Battery. Grab it and move to the edge of the ledge to trigger a cut-scene.
A giant rolling disco ball of death, this Boss looks quite daunting. Luckily, you've got the firepower for the job. Unlike the first boss, where Kurt needed precision sniping, this Sphere can be taken down with good old fashioned blasting. That's not to say the targets don't change as the fight goes on.
When the battle begins, the Sphere will fire energy blasts at you from the green, glowing nodes. Dodge the blasts as you move around the arena ... Далее >>