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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 29

TERRAIN: Many of the world terrain types increase the strength
of defenders. See the Terrain entries in the Civilopedia or the
Terrain chart in the file CIVQKREF.ZIP.

FORTIFIED ARMIES: Ground armies may fortify themselves,
increasing their defense strength 50%. An army that has any
movement points remaining may be ordered to fortify on any land
square by pressing the Fortify key (F Key).

IMPROVEMENTS: Armies within a Fortress have their strength
doubled after all other modifications. Armies inside a city
containing City Walls are tripled in strength. Cities protected
by City Walls do not suffer population losses.

ATTACKING CITIES: When a defender in a city is destroyed by
ground attack, other defending units present are not destroyed.
However, the population of the city is reduced by one point
unless the city is protected by City Walls. Population loss does
not occur due to naval or air attack, but is affected by nuclear

SHORE BOMBARDMENTS: Naval units with attack factors, other than
Submarines, may attack enemy armies on adjacent land squares,
including cities. Naval units in cities may defend against

NUCLEAR ATTACKS: Nuclear attacks occur when a Nuclear unit
attempts to enter a square occupied by enemy units or an enemy
city. In either case, all units, regardless of civilization, in
the target square and adjacent squares are destroyed. In
... Далее >>

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