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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 96

CURE FOR CANCER: After the development of the advance of Genetic
Engineering, you may work on the Cure for Cancer. Possessing the
Cure creates a +1 happy citizen in all cities of your
civilization. The Cure for Cancer costs 600 resources to build.

HOOVER DAM: The Hoover Dam may be built after the advance of
Electronics is acquired. The Dam provides electric power to all
cities in the same continent, increasing the resources generated
by the city by 50%. In addition, the Dam reduces the probability
of pollution from these cities. The Hoover Dam costs 600
resources to build.

MANHATTAN PROJECT: Once any civilization completes the Manhattan
Project, all civilizations in the world may begin building
nuclear weapons, if they have the proper technology. The
Manhattan Project itself may be built once the advance if
Nuclear Fission has been achieved. The Project costs 600
resources to build.

SETI PROGRAM: The SETI Program may be built when your
civilization acquires the advance of Computers. Thereafter, the
knowledge generated by your cities increased by 50%, unless the
Program is destroyed or captured by a rival. The SETI Program
costs 600 resources to complete.

WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE: Women's Suffrage becomes available after the
advance of Mass Production. Under a Republic or Democracy, units
away from their home city create one less unhappy citizen than
normal for a civilization that possesses Women's Suffrage. It
... Далее >>

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