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Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 72

happy people over unhappy people people go into civil disorder.
Cities in civil disorder produce no tax revenue, no technology
research, and no food surpluses, and suspend production. A
nuclear reactor in a city suffering civil disorder may
experience a meltdown due to lax safety controls. Keeping a city
stable is a very high priority!

POPULATION GROWTH: Keeping the population growing is important
because each additional person contributes something to your
civilization. Each new worker brings a new map square under
production. Population growth increases economic power, and
thus, the strength of your civilization. The size of your
population is a major factor in determining your civilization
score, a measure of how well you have ruled.

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT: The people of your city that work in the
surrounding countryside harness the economic resources of the
area. Those resources are converted by the city into more
people, industrial production, money, and technology research.
When managing a city, you must allocate the people so as to
maximize this development, or match it up to your needs. There
may be times when increased industrial output is preferred over
population growth. There may be times when increased trade is
needed. You can give orders to your advisors to shift a city's
work force around to change the mix of economic development as

TAX REVENUE: Most of the improvements that can be built within
cities require money for maintenance. Money is also useful for
speeding industrial production, bribing enemy armies, inciting
... Далее >>

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