
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 81

and units on sentry duty are shown as faded icons. Fortified
units or those on sentry duty may only be activated from this
window. When you return to the map display, these units can now
be given orders. At the bottom of the window is a list of any
trade routes the city has established. Each trade route is noted
by the name of the city with which you are trading and the
amount of trade generated. This trade is automatically included
in the trade your city is generating, shown in the city
resources window of the display. As your civilization moves into
the Industrial Age, pollution may become a problem. In the
middle of this window, pollution indicators appear when the
city's industry get sufficiently large. The indicators are
smokestack icons. The presence of several smokestacks is a cue
that you need to reduce pollution or be prepared to clean it up.
The alternative is eventual environmental disaster. There can be
up to one hundred smokestacks present indicating a 100%
probability of pollution each turn.

HAPPY: This button opens the Population Happiness Chart, which
shows what factors are affecting the happiness of the city's
population. All people in a city beyond a certain number are
unhappy before any modifying influences are taken into account.
At the Emperor level of difficulty, only the first two PEOPLE
are content; at King level, the first three; and so on down to
Chieftain level, where the first six people are content. When
the city's population increases beyond these minimums, the new
people are unhappy unless their condition is improved by a
culture and a standard of living that provides luxuries,
religion, and entertainment; they are coerced into contentment
by martial law; or the presence of Wonders of the World lifts
... Далее >>

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