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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 67

SOLAR PANEL MODULE: Each solar panel module provides enough
energy to power two of the other types of modules. Modules that
don't receive power cannot function properly.

Spaceship structure require the technology of Space Flight and
cost 80 resources each to build. You must build sufficient structure
parts to connect the components and modules together. Parts that are not
connected do not work and provide no benefit to the ship.

The economic and industrial centers of your civilizations are it
cities. They are the residence of the population, the source of tax
dollars, the home of your scientists, and the sites of your industrial
production. Each city organizes the development of the area surrounding
it, converting the nearby agricultural land, natural resources, and
potential trade into food, industrial production, technology, and cash.

One measure of the success of you civilization is the number of
cities it encompasses and the size of each. Larger cities collect more
taxes, conduct more technology research, and risk being overrun by
larger and more powerful neighbors. Falling too far behind in the arms
race, both in quality and quantity, may result in an early exit from

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