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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 98 Текущая : 37

aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs. Bombers may stay
airborne for one turn but must return to a base (a friendly city
or Carrier) by the end of the second turn. They have a
visibility of two squares over any terrain. Bombers ignore City
Walls in the same manner as Artillery. They may only be attacked
by Fighters. Other units may not enter a square occupied by a
Bomber, so they are useful for interdicting enemy movement.

CANNON 8-1-1 (Metallurgy) [40]: a group of carriage-mounted,
smoothbore cannons. Cannons are excellent units on the attack
and their arrival often opens a new round of offensive wars,
especially when accompanied by Rifleman who can stack with them
for defense.

CARRIER 1-12-5 (Advanced Flight) [160]: an aircraft carrier is
capable of acting as a base for Bombers, Fighters, and Nuclear
units. Carriers may carry up to eight air units and have a
visibility of two sea squares.

CATAPULT 6-1-1 (Mathematics) [40]: a group of siege weapons
designed to throw rocks and other materials with great force.
Catapults are useful in the defense and attack of cities, but
are weak when left alone on defense.

CAVALRY 2-1-2 (Horseback Riding) [20]: a unit of mounted
soldiers. Cavalry are useful as scouts and raiders because of
their speed.

CHARIOT 4-1-2 (the Wheel) [40]: a group of light carriages,
normally mounted on two wheels and each carrying a driver and a
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