X-COM : UFO Defense -- The Unofficial Strategy Guide
and some answers to frequently asked questions!
(updated 11/18/94)
maintained by Kuo-Sheng (Kasey) Chang
(kschang@mercury.sfsu.edu / ksc1@aol.com)
This article contains a lot of information that you may prefer to find out
by exploring and researching yourself! If you want to play the game in the
dark then read on with care or not at all!
This FAQ was prepared using a wide range of material, including two
existing UFO/XCOM FAQ's, Computer Gaming World's Strategy article, Computer
Game Review's Strategy article (both are September 94), and the collective
wisdom of fellow XCOM players of which there are too many to mention
(though I'll attempt to). In future updates all attempts will be made to
credit each author with their specific hint.
In case you are wondering, the title was changed since there WILL be an
OFFICIAL X-COM Strategy Guide authorized by MicroProse.
If you have any comments or other strategies and tactics, please submit
them to the author via e-mail at the addresses above.
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