Upon reaching the boat, Crowley mysteriously vanishes, leaving nothing but a corpse and a cryptic clue in his wake. Level 9: The City Streets Walk into the courtyard and take the spider hybrid's legs with a few leg sweep combos, then turn right and walk up the steps. Break the window you should now be facing, then head for the gate on the far side of the courtyard and leave this place. Run past the spider creature on guard here and go through the gateway to your right. Kill the two spider hybrids there and walk down the pathway ahead. Execute the hybrid wandering about there and run to the steps. The barrels on the steps will be chucked at you as usual so don't forget to keep to the side. Destroy the barrel-chucking spider and the other hybrid behind him and carry on walking until you get to a dead end wall with barrels stacked next to it. Destroy the barrels with some dynamite or a pistol shot and stand well back. Clamber over the smoking rubble and get ready to deal with a knife-wielding cultist. Dealing with Crowley's minion is easy: simply pile on the combos so that he can't fight back and he won't stand a chance, or just back off and hack him in two. Take the left turn when you have finished him off and walk over to the three windows to the left. Two zombies and another cultist will leap out at you. Kill them in short order and scour the area for power-ups. ... Далее >>