back to the main hall so that you don't have to walk all the way round the gallery. Bypass the stairs this time round and go into the courtyard. Two hellhounds have been left here by Crowley to guard his retreat. Make them pay for their loyalty with their lives. Kill the two fire demons here as well, then proceed through the gate in the right wall. In front of the door is a pool of blood left by Crowley -- could your arch enemy be inside? Level 19: Westminster Part 2 The end of your quest draws near, but don't relax just yet. Draw your weapon in time to cleave the gargoyle before you in two. Explosions rip through the corridor ahead as you advance, so move slowly to avoid injury. Drop a few mines in front of you to kill the hellhound that is causing the explosions, then deal with its winged companions. Smash the armour on the left and get the health orb that comes out of it, then move slowly up the corridor, being wary of explosions. A gargoyle comes racing down the steps to tear you limb from limb: blow its head off with your pistol, then cautiously move around the flames to get to the next corridor. The top of the steps is guarded by a hellhound and fire demon. Wait for them to attack you, as the stairway is about to explode in the middle: a few mines wouldn't go amiss here. Walk up to the flames at the end of the corridor. The left corridor is a dead end containing two monsters; the right corridor contains a wall of flames that must be traversed to get to the next section. Gun down the first gargoyle you meet and dodge the explosions as you run round the right bend. Another gargoyle awaits you at this bend so use your ... Далее >>