alive, charge forward and shove it into the flames to finish the job. Now all you have to contend with is the hellhound and the fire demon creeping up behind you. Draw them away from the fire and into the narrow confines of the alley behind you. They should now get in each other's way, enabling you to wade in and rip their lungs out. Having surveyed the carnage with a satisfactory smile, walk over to the crates on the right and get the health orb from on top of them. Now climb the crates and walk along them so that you can safely jump over the fire and through the hole in the wall. Walk round the corner to the left and pick up the repeater there, then walk slowly into the smoky street. Barrels of dynamite will come rolling down the stairs - leap away from the explosive projectiles and kill the blue monster running down behind them. Now you have a choice of routes: you can either take the stairs which have deadly jumps and few monsters, or you can stay on the ground where the monsters are wall to wall. If, like me, you wish to see all the monsters dead, climb up the steps and eviscerate the hellhound near the fire, then leap across the gap to reach the building on the right (don't jump through the flames). When you land, take up arms against the hellhound on the balcony and mess him up. Walk round the corner and deal with the blue monster there. Now you can either continue across the gap to the second courtyard, or you can go back the way you came and kill the monsters there. Assuming that you are a deranged psychopath, you should by now have returned to the street below, where there is a hellhound begging to be killed, so deal with it accordingly. Zigzag through the fire and attack the hellhound and fire demon on the other side of the flames, then enter the courtyard ahead. Destroy the spider creature here, then run into the main arena. You will be attacked by a mob of five creatures. Use the repeater you discovered earlier or you'll soon be overwhelmed. Once you have littered the ground ... Далее >>