stack of crates. Approach the crates cautiously as a four-armed creature is about to appear and chuck them at you. Once the crates have been toppled, you can rush in and kill the abomination before it has a chance to attack. After you have stepped over his smouldering corpse you are faced with walking under a couple of low bridges. This may not sound formidable but as soon as you cross under a bridge you'll be showered with masonry (looks like someone should get onto the council). You can run through it quite safely, but once you are out the other side you'll be attacked by another blue creature so be on your guard.
You get another choice of routes when you come to the end of the present alleyway. Take the right turn and head towards the crates to get to another secret section. When you have battered the zombie guarding the crates, you can search this area at your leisure. In the far corner of this section is another bush which can be destroyed to get to a second secret area containing a four-armed monster, a repeater, and some explosives. Kill the four-armed creature to replenish your blue bar and collect the marvellous weapons of destruction before you head back to the main road. As soon as you get back onto the main road, the wall to your right caves in and a huge blue monster storms out. He's soon joined by a zombie and a four-armed dude so now would be a good time to use the repeater. When you have terminated these adversaries, the way to the end of the level is nearly in sight. Head for the pile of crates at the end of the street and smash the red one to get a pistol then proceed up the stairs. Across from you is a four-armed creature: take aim with the pistol and put a shot in the crates in front of it to clear a path to the bridge. The monster then surges ... Далее >>